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Heike Buskies heads BYK's global Plastics Additives business

Wesel, Aug 14, 2024 – Heike Buskies has taken over the management of the Global Business Line Plastics Additives at BYK. She joined the additives experts BYK in October 2012 when she left Evonik and started as Sales Manager Plastics Additives for Greater Europe. In July 2021, she took over responsibility for the Regional Business Line Plastics Additives for Greater Europe. "With her strong technical expertise and background in sales, with customers and at the same time within the end use activities at BYK, she is the ideal person to strategically develop the global business of our Plastics Additives segments," says Dr. Stefan Mößmer, BYK Managing Director Marketing & Commercial, to whom she reports directly.

Her predecessor Ted Williams has asked for a regional adjustment of his responsibilities in order to concentrate on the gas and oil business, which is largely focused on NAFTA. Thanks to his outstanding expertise, he will also head the NAFTA region as Regional Business Line Manager Plastics Additives and will continue to further expand the business in the NAFTA region. In the Plastics Additives segment, he reports to Global Business Line Manager Heike Buskies.

Press Releases | Aug 14일 2024년

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당사의 고객에는 도료 및 인쇄 잉크, 플라스틱, 접착제 및 실란트는 물론, 세제, 바닥 도료 및 윤활제 제조업체도 포함됩니다. BYK 첨가제는 건설 화학, 석유 및 가스, 파운드리 산업에서도 성공적으로 사용됩니다.


BYK는 독일(Wesel, Kempen, Schkopau, Moosburg, Geretsried), 네덜란드(Deventer, Denekamp, Nijverdal), 영국(Widnes), 미국(Wallingford, Chester, Columbia, Earth City, Gonzales, Louisville, Pittsford) 그리고 중국(Shanghai, Tongling) 에 글로벌 네트워크를 보유하고 있으며 각 나라에서 생산을 하고 있습니다.


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