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50 years of Wesel site

BYK employees hold up letters spelling the motto "Share the Spirit"


50 years of the Wesel site: Share the Spirit!

What a celebration! Bavarian lederhosen, Japanese kimonos and Korean hanboks, a magical stage show, a great party and a lavish buffet. Hundreds of guests from all over the world and more than a thousand from Germany come to the BYK Gala. The event is the crowning conclusion of "Share the Spirit," the international Marketing & Sales Meeting to which BYK invited its guests in May 2012.

As a symbol of BYK's innovative future, the new laboratory building is opened on the morning of the day of celebrations. Here, research and development in the plastics business line are being driven forward and new standards are being set in terms of innovative building technology at BYK through efficient use of energy.

In the huge marquee on the Rheinwiesen, there is even more reason to celebrate, because BYK has been at the Wesel site for 50 years. In her welcoming address, owner Susanne Klatten emphasizes what makes BYK so special: "The driving force for everyone here is the unwavering willingness to change and create a culture of innovation." Work together, celebrate together: Share the Spirit!